Wednesday, August 21, 2013

2013-2014 Curriculum Choices

As this is our first year homeschooling, I have been really worried about what we will be using for learning.  How should I teach my kids?  Use a curriculum?  Do unit studies in things that interested us? Use a hodge-podge of materials from the internet and library?

I had done a lot of reading on kindergarten curriculum options.  I think that the overwhelming opinion out there is that kindergarten doesn't need a curriculum and that you should let your child learn from playing at this age.  And while I do think a lot of learning happens in play, I also know that Banana Bear really thrives on a more structured learning format.

Originally, I thought it would be best for us to try and do most of our schooling from materials I had put together from the internet and library to create a sort of curriculum of unit studies.  However, I quickly realized that I didn't have the time to put effort into that kind of task. And since this was our first year of homeschooling, I wanted to make sure I was teaching the "right" things.

Eventually, we settled on My Father's World Kindergarten.  We haven't used this curriculum yet, but as I am starting to get lesson plans together I think we are going to really like it!  It is really heavy in story book reading and also very hands on.  I think it is the perfect balance of structured learning and learning through play.

Princess will be able to follow along with a lot of My Father's World curriculum, if she is interested.  I also purchased the Letter of the Week curriculum from Confessions of a Homeschooler for her.  Princess likes to be like her big sister, and so I thought this curriculum would allow her to do "big kid school" at an appropriate level.

I can't wait to start school and see how well these curricula work for us!  Just one and a half weeks till we "start" school!

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