Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome to Our Class

When we first considered homeschooling, one of the first questions I asked myself was where would we learn.  What space would we use?

There are a lot of families out there who use the kitchen table as their "base."  And I realized that just wouldn't work for us, or at least for me!  It is so easy to distract me.  If we were to have school at the kitchen table, I can guarantee that you would find me cooking or doing dishes ninety percent of the time.

And so, I came to realize that our basement would make an excellent classroom, after I removed the hundreds of toys...Yes, toys are great for learning, but not in the quantity that bombarded our basement!

I used printables from the Letter of the Week Curriculum to "decorate" our classroom with letters, numbers, colors and shapes.

Our classroom as you enter 
Storage area and small desk for working independently
Our calendar area also includes printables from our Letter of the Week curriculum.  The Season Chart, Weather Chart, and Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Chart were in the Letter of the Week curriculum.

This is our reading area.  We get to curl up on those cozy chairs and read.  My Father's World Kindergarten is really heavy on story reading (a great thing!), so we will get great use out of this area!

And finally, our play area.  I'm a big believer in learning through play. So I believe that we will be using this area a lot!  Whether we are building with block or playing make believe, a lot of learning will be taking place right here.  (You can see in the picture that there aren't a lot of toys.  Princess gets really distracted from playing when too many toys are present, so I limited the amount of toys available and will bring in toys as needed.)

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